Well yesterday arvo and last night we said our final goodbyes to Bruce, it was a good send off, one that Bruce would have enjoyed himself. Highlight of the evening was the Ken Mulvaney speech followed by the Ken Mulvaney slow decline into absolute drunkedness. Bruce would have approved whole heartedly. A great night.

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Clint is a guy I work with often and on a recent trip, 3 of the other archaeologists on the job challenged Clint to a game of basketball. (these 3 guys were unaware that Clint had played State level basketball for a number of years). Clint accepted the challenge and even offered to take em all on at once and he would have only a wheelie bin as a teammate - thats all - yes one of those green bins you have in the back yard. Clint won and in fact I don't think the other guys even scored a net, 10 - 0 or something wasn't it Clint? The wheelie bin was even accredited with a few assists.

Well in honour of this incredible sporting feat I present this vid. This is how you should take em on next time dude!! Woooooooo What's up sugar? What's up huh? :o)


Anonymous said…
What do you mean next time, that vid is pretty much how the game went.
stu said…
Ha!! You never mentioned full nudity, no wonder Paul was so traumatised by it all!!