This photo pretty much sums up how I feel at the moment. So far in the past 24 hours my computer has splashed pink lines across its screen, shown me the blue screen of death on two occasions and I've developed a twitch in my left eye. Obviously I have spent way too much time in front of this bloody thing. But when not in the field that's what my job entails. Report writing! I wonder which will fail first, my computer or my eyesight.

Couple this with the confusion I suffer with women in my life and it's a weird time. I have a mixed track record, a couple of long term relationships mixed with a lot of short ones. There was a girl who was in my life for just a moment almost a year ago, it didn't go well for many varied reasons, none of which I will bore you with now, but I had fairly well gotten her out of my system. Then just when you think it's safe to go back in the water she contacts me and suggests a hook up. It'll just be dinner and a drink, friends, something I do often with girls I know, and that's cool, but I guess this will be the moment I realise that we really have no future beyond this level. That's fine too, because we've been friends for years and I want that to continue, but I guess deep down there's just, you know.................


I'm not exactly sure what makes Poi so popular :o)

Then there is this other girl who has over time sent me mixed signals, only I rarely act on obscure signals, I simply don't trust them, been burnt a few times! I was thinking maybe I should explore it further, but we don't catch up much, then the first girl reappears and that stupid little voice in the back of my head is going "you know what, there might still be a chance, don't be too rash" I hate that stupid little voice, it's the main reason for the past burnings, it's rarely right.

Also there was the girl I recently had a moment with, she's moved interstate and that was cool, until she left, but we've talked about that and it's a happy thing, I still miss her though. She'll be reading this so I have to say good things don't I girl, hahahaha but you know it's all true and good! xoxo

So to cut a long story short I have determined that girls are evil, yes evil, need proof, let me put it in a simple easy to read scientific equation for you :

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and that's why I am sitting here home alone on this Friday night, but the good news is that tomorrow night it's the boys, with beer, a take away and rugby rugby rugby. Big hard men hitting big hard men in the pursuit of a piece of pigskin!

Life's good :o)
